Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I lost a pound, but I am still up two from my total loss. I'm happy with my one pound loss. I got that loss at the gym and through making a few, minor good choices. Also, I probably got it because last week was period week, and this week isn't.

I've really committed to the gym, and it feels almost life changing. However, I have not truly committed to a life of better and different eating. I'd like to say this is the day I'll be a changed eater forever. I hope it's the day, but I have failed so many times to be certain this is the day. When I smoked, I learned I had to have a quit day for success. I can't tell you how many quit days I've had before I actually quit permanently. The other thing I learned about smoking is to not quit quitting. It was a process that took many years for me to make happen for myself. However, I never stopped the process of wanting to quit which included constantly trying. I have that part down with weight loss. This journal has helped me with that part. I will write in this probably forever. It's fun, and it makes me realize the "forever" part of the process of making good food choices.

I've decided to set a quit date for myself with my weight loss (Maybe, it should be called a start date). My quit/start date is going to be Monday March 17, 2008. (My quit smoking date was July 30th, 2007) I hope it will give me a few days to remind myself of my dedication to this. This is not an excuse for me to pig out till Monday. I'm still on program and even feeling quite committed this morning. I want there to be a contract with myself, and this is one way of doing it.


Hanlie said...

I like the way you sound today! You're not full of bravado, or sounding desperate, just quietly confident that you can do this! And you can! Well done on the weight loss. Be good and kind to yourself!

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Looks like a sound, practical (and entirely achievable) plan to me! We'll be here cheering you on!