Thursday, April 24, 2008

Why do I make it so difficult?

The good news is that I have not stopped eating healthy foods since I said I would five weeks ago. However, even with healthy foods; it is possible to have too much of a good thing. I know it sounds weird, but apparently I have figured out the fine art of hogging down on celery and carrots. It's sad, but true. Last week, I didn't lose any weight. I attributed it to my time of the month. This week, I have to face the cold, hard facts. I was eating beyond satisfaction. With this new healthy eating plan, it's essential that I stop when I feel satisfied. Last week, I always felt a little tweak in my stomach saying "ouch, you over ate". Yet, I ignored it thinking, how bad could it be since it was nutritious. I know with out a doubt, that is why I stayed the same for the second week in a row. Time to fess up, move on, and keep on trekking.


I confess there was major disappointment after working hard all day to cook crock pot barley and chicken, only to find out that I was satisfied with less than two cups of this very hardy casserole type dish.


Ready Maid said...

Oops. I did the same thing tonight. Made a Mexican-style dish...first one in a LONG time...and just put too much on the plate. Thanks for the reminder. I'll be paying for it on the treadmill in the morning.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Good for you for sticking with the healthy eating! I'm sorry you didn't get the scale payoff, but your insides truly appreciate it! The funny thing about portion size that satisifies is that it can change from one day to another. I think you're wise to keep your eye on it and listen to your body.

Have a great weekend!

Hanlie said...

How about using a smaller plate? Then your plate doesn't look so "empty"?

Well done on eating healthier!

KrisR said...

I so can relate as it's hard for me to stop eating based upon feeling full......I think my full button was never fully developed.

Good luck this week with your adjustments on intake.