Monday, April 7, 2008

Doing Good

I have been quiet lately. I am still working very hard at eating healthy. I was disappointed last week to see no loss. However, I can say with honesty that I had a very healthy week. My nutritional habits have changed drastically in a really good way. I have stuck to eating more wholesome type foods. The things I need to work on are drinking more water, drinking less margaritas, and working out more.

The workout thing has been another huge disappointment for me. Over a month ago, I thought I hurt myself at the gym. Unfortunately, my hips hurt every day. It is not an intense pain or even a dull pain. It feels as if they are creaking every time I walk, almost like the bones are stretching. Weird? I'm at the point where I think I might need to see a doctor because it's not going away. Also, I don't think it's an injury because the pain switches sides. Also, I don't know if it's my hip. It's actually in the middle of my butt. Is that part of my hip?

Tomorrow is weigh in day again. I hope to see better results.


Chubby Chick said...

Sounds like you're on the right track, girl! Keep up the good work! :)

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for the weigh-in, but it really doesn't matter because you're doing the right things!

It might be a good idea to get that hip problem checked out, especially if you plan to work out more. You definitely don't want to overwork a muscle or cause any lasting damage!

Off to cross my fingers! :)

Hanlie said...

I also think you're doing great! The scale is just a small part of it and when you're switching to healthier foods, you the effects won't be immediately visible on the scale. The good news is that with this kind of lifestyle, you gain momentum, so your weight loss starts off slowly, but accelerates. With diets and calorie restriction you start of with big initial losses, but it slows down and those dreadful plateaus can really get you down.

See about doing some aqua aerobics, which is not so jarring on your system. But if you're worried, rather have it checked out!

Holly said...

keep your chin up girl, sounds like you are doing all the right things so the weight loss has got to come, right? As far as the hip thing goes, I'd probably get that checked... could it be a sciatic nerve thing? Does the pain go down your leg at all?