Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mindful Eating

It's official I am part of the Healthy You Challenge. I'm excited, but nervous as tomorrow is weigh in day and also period week begins tomorrow. Also, I can't lie, it hasn't been a perfect week. I don't think it ever will be, but I do know I'm entirely committed to a more healthy me. The point is I hate to gain weight on my second day of challenge. Oh well, no matter the numbers I will keep at it even if it takes two years.

I have been meditating lately. One kind of meditation is mindful eating, which is where you sit down for a meal, and enjoy each and ever flavor along with the conversation that may go along with the meal. At first, in mindful meditation you should do it alone, focusing on eating and tasting every bite. How does it taste? How does the food make you feel? What is the story behind the food? How are you thankful for the food? Are you full? This is all part of mindful eating in which I have in the past tried to do. The adjectives to describe mindful eating are healthy, relaxing and energizing.

From Thich Nhat Hanh- he suggests eating a meal with others in silence, but without solemness and instead be happy together yet quiet. He suggests before eating saying this verse or some other type of thanks for the food:

In this food,
I see clearly the presence
Of the entire universe
supporting my existence.

Source: HOL 1000 WMU Choices in Living Course Pack Fall 2005

This is all well and good. I wish I'd practiced some of this earlier when I snorted and shoveled my dumplings, carrots, salad, soup and corn down my throat while barely hearing my husband. Not to mention, between snorts I was forced to tend to my new toddler son who has no table manners yet. YEA!

I mention this because I want to be more mindful of my food. In meditation language, I want to be present with my meals.

1 comment:

Hanlie said...

Welcome to the Challenge! Good luck with reaching your goals!