Monday, February 4, 2008

Food Gratitude

I'm thankful for WW cakes--they are delicate and delicious. Also, I am so grateful that I am OP more than not OP. I feel great about the future, slimmer me. I am grateful that someday I will be able to run again. Lastly, I am thankful for my determination that has been granted to me. THANK YOU! THANK WHO? THANK GOD! THANK ME TOO!


DL White said...

Hi! Welcome to healthy YOU!

~ CurvyJones

Martha said...

Welcome to the Challenge, I'm new too. I often feel like I need to express more gratitude, not necessarily towards food, but in general:)

Felicia said...


Welcome to the Healthy You Challenge!!!

Best wishes to you!!


Le Butterfly said...


What is WW cakes and OP??

Welcome to the challenge.